| Maschine Strahlkontrollen

Accelerator modules tests

Maschine Strahlkontrollen

Accelerator modules tests

There are several test facilities (AMTF, CMTB, FALCO, klystron test stand), on the DESY campus where key accelerator components are tested:

  • Klystron
  • Cavities
  • RF gun
  • RF power couplers
  • Cryomodules

These tests facilities rely on a LLRF system to control and measure the RF field. Hardware, firmware, servers and high-level software is produced to support these tests.
Additionally, test stands for the LLRF components themselves are produced and maintained. The development and operation of these test stands fall into the tasks of the LLRF operations group.

Development for continuous wave operation

A possible upgrade of the European XFEL consists of operating the accelerator in continuous wave (CW) mode, while preserving the current high luminosity pulsed mode of operation.
R&D is carried within MSK LLRF operations group to tackle the challenges linked to this new mode of operation (CW) and the requirement of hybrid operation (pulsed / CW). The research covers such topics as:

  • Cavity detuning and bandwidth computation in CW
  • Quench detection and resonance control in CW
  • Data acquisition and feedback field control for very narrow bandwidth cavities (few tens of Hz)